What are Mitch O’Farrell and Hugo Soto-Martinez’s positions on Millennium Hollywood Center?

With Councilman Mitch O’Farrell in a political race for his life against challenger Hugo Soto-Martinez, we reached out to both for a position statement on the Millennium Hollywood (aka Hollywood Center) skyscrapers on the earthquake fault project.

Only Mr. Soto-Martinez responded. Councilman O’Farrell ignored our requests.



Hugo Soto-Martinez: “There are many problems with the project, including the fact that multiple judges deemed it illegal.… Read the rest

Millennium’s Crooked Project

Dear Friends and Supporters:

Please see this fascinating article from San Francisco about Millennium Partners’ ongoing leaning and sinking tower disaster.

It seems the news for Millennium Partners is getting worse.

Yet this is the same developer that LA City Councilmembers Jose Huizar and Mitch Englander, when on the City Council’s Planning & Land Use Management Committee, enthusiastically embraced.… Read the rest

“Key Records Missing From San Francisco Millennium Project”

“I want to see that information, I want our experts to see that information, they need to produce that information” says San Francisco Supervisor Aaron Peskin in this recent NBC story.

Millennium’s engineer said there was no requirement to submit construction logs to the building department.

Thickening the plot, San Francisco’s Engineering Review Panel requested specific logs months ago. … Read the rest

Leaving 2021 As We Entered – No Hollywood Center Project Yet

As we near the end of a challenging year, we wish to thank all of our StopTheMillennium supporters. Together we have — so far — kept our community safer, slowed down LA City Hall’s law breaking, and shined a bright light on Hollywood Center, a proposed skyscraper project on top of an earthquake fault that is symptomatic of everything sick in the body politic of Los Angeles.… Read the rest

SF Millennium Tower Tilts Quarter Inch in Four Days

Wow!  We aren’t math majors, but that is a rate of 22.8 inches a year! Still, developer Millennium Partners says all is hunky dory in SF. It’s the same whistling past the graveyard that they are doing in Hollywood.

Why do Mayor Garcetti and Councilman O’Farrell tolerate Millennium’s false claims of no earthquake dangers at the Hollywood Center site?… Read the rest

The Real Deal on Millennium’s Hollywood Center Project

Dear Friends and Supporters:

The Millennium Hollywood Center battle goes on.

The City has kept us and the public in the dark for most of the past year. That is rarely a good sign.

But the media continue to show interest in the Millennium Hollywood and Millennium Leaning Tower of San Francisco scandals.… Read the rest

Millennium Partners: That Sinking Feeling

Here is new, damning video on the current “fix” developer Millennium Partners are in with their San Francisco leaning and sinking tower.

Experts say Millennium’s method to attempt to halt their sinking fortunes was dangerous and crazy.

Pyke’s main concern: the so-called “perimeter pile upgrade” calls for connecting only the sinking north and west side of the building to bedrock, leaving the south and east side unconnected.… Read the rest

Leaning Millennium Tower in San Francisco sinking faster, retrofit halted

Dear Friends and Supporters:

See yesterday’s Los Angeles Times article, “Leaning Millennium Tower in San Francisco sinking faster, retrofit halted.”

Key take-aways:

One of San Francisco’s tallest skyscrapers, Millennium Tower has sunk since construction began in 2006 and is tilting.

Millennium Partners is attempting to build another skyscraper project in Hollywood, a project that has come under criticism after state geology officials have said there are studies that “strongly support the presence of an active … fault strand entering” the skyscraper site.… Read the rest

There’s New, Big Trouble With Millennium’s Infamous San Francisco Tower


NBC News Bay Area investigative reports say attempts to prevent the Millennium Tower San Francisco from sinking and leaning have actually exacerbated the sinking and leaning rates. Work has stopped. Check out the full story here.

Let’s make sure we’re understanding this right. This is the same developer we’re supposed to believe when they say there’s no problem building skyscrapers on a 7.0 earthquake fault in Hollywood?… Read the rest

Hollywood Heritage Helps Expose Hollywood Center Project Lies


If you live in or around Hollywood and don’t know about Hollywood Heritage and their work, checking them out is a must!

  For nearly forty years, Hollywood Heritage has spearheaded the preservation, restoration and maintenance of early Hollywood treasures.  Their museum is home to archival photographs from the silent era of motion pictures, old Hollywood movie props, historic documents, historic photographs and postcards of the streets, buildings and residences of Hollywood during its golden age. … Read the rest

What’s Wrong With This Picture?

See this April 20, 2021 photo from one of our great supporters. It shows “trenching” on the east parcel of the Hollywood Center site. It looks impressive, right?

Nope. It’s another Millennium/City sham.

We need your voices heard. Please email (see addresses below) objecting to these issues:

1. The California Geological Survey’s scientists apparently get only 1-2 days to observe, not the unfettered access they were supposed to have.… Read the rest

LA Times Article: A lurking Earthquake Fault Has Blocked Hollywood’s Tallest Building….

Please see this article from the front page of the Sunday, April 25, 2021 print edition of the LA Times California section. Our attorney, Robert Silverstein, is quoted on page 1 about City Hall’s refusal to protect the public.

Keep the pressure on City Hall. Please send in comments today demanding full trenching of the Hollywood Center west site, and neutral, independent experts to oversee all work.Read the rest

Millennium Is Trenching Right Now!

The above photo captures what a Los Angeles resident was met with when she saw what was going on at the Millennium project site and stopped to take some pics.


Reports are coming in from our supporters about the Hollywood Center site being fenced.   Bulldozers and excavators are at work now, apparently on a new earthquake fault trench as seen in the above and below photos.… Read the rest

Mayor Garcetti Allows Corruption To Flourish At LA City Hall

That is a fact.

His former Deputy Mayor and General Manager of LA Dept. of Building & Safety, Raymond Chan, is the latest example. Chan just fell in the FBI’s ongoing pay-to-play investigation of City officials.

How does this relate to Millennium’s Hollywood Center scandal?

Click on the CityWatch logo to check out this phenomenal article written by our attorney, Robert P.… Read the rest

Raymond Chan, Former LA Building & Safety Head, Charged in Indictment

“The scope of corruption outlined in this indictment is staggering,” said U.S. Attorney Nick Hanna. “As the indictment alleges, Huizar, Chan and their network of associates repeatedly violated the public trust by soliciting and accepting numerous cash bribes and other financial benefits, turning Huizar’s City Council seat into a money-making criminal enterprise.”
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Public Comment of the Week – 10/26/2020


The Public Comments section of the Administrative Record is jam packed with letters from us, from you, from everyday citizens who live in the city, demanding that this insanely dangerous and illegal project by Millennium, be shut down for good.

Keep a look out each week as we share some of the comments that stood out to us most.… Read the rest

Public Comment of the Week – 10/19/2020


The Public Comments section of the Administrative Record is jam packed with letters from us, from you, from everyday citizens who live in the city, demanding that this insanely dangerous and illegal project by Millennium, be shut down for good.

Keep a look out each week as we share some of the comments that stuck out to us the most.… Read the rest

Planning Commission Practices Earthquake Preparedness On Day Set For Hollywood Center Hearing!


Is it any coincidence Millennium’s public hearing was scheduled and then abruptly continued to an unknown date on International ShakeOut Day ?

Commissioners practiced earthquake preparedness when Commission President Samantha Millman ordered everyone to Stop, Drop and Roll!

Which is exactly what happened to Millennium’s hearing!

It stopped after 15 minutes, dropped from the City Planning Commission’s calendar and rolled right outta sight.… Read the rest

Hollywood Center: PUBLIC HEARING #2 on 10/15 – REMINDER

Only a few days remain before this important Planning Commission hearing.


We want to remind everyone of the City Planning Commission public hearing for Millennium’s Hollywood Center Project, Thursday, October 15, 2020 “After 10:00 AM”.

Hollywood Center Project has three items on the Agenda:

  • #7. 
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Pantages Theater Owner Files an Appeal


One of the appeals filed in response to the Department of City Planning’s 9/14/2020 Letter of Determination approving Millennium’s Vesting Tract Map was filed by Pantages Theater owner, Ned Pan.

Aside from pointing out “the breakneck speed at which the EIR and the Project approvals are being processed by the City, and the sudden and very recent shift from the Project as described in the Draft EIR to Alternative 8”, the appeal emphasizes several important truths:

    • “The Project will add thousands of additional daily trips to the short segment of Argyle Avenue from Hollywood Boulevard to the 101 Freeway, which is already heavily congested during much of the day.”
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Public Comment of the Week – 9/28/2020


The Public Comments section of the Administrative Record is jam packed with letters from us, from you, from everyday citizens who live in the city, demanding that this insanely dangerous and illegal project by Millennium, be shut down for good.

Keep a look out each week as we share some of the comments that stuck out to us the most.… Read the rest

Hollywood Center Project – PUBLIC HEARING #2 – October 15, 2020


The Department of City Planning sent out a Notice of Public Hearing yesterday for the City Planning Commission to hear the appeals filed and more public comment.  Mark your calendar for October 15, 2020 “AFTER 10:00 A.M.”.

WHEN:  Thursday, October 15, 2020

TIME:   “AFTER 10:00 a.m.”

CALL NUMBER: The meeting’s telephone number and access code will be provided no later than 72 hours before the meeting on the meeting agenda published here and/or by contacting cpc@lacity.orgRead the rest

Millennium’s Notice of Delinquencies

Following the release of the Final EIR, and speaking of tragi-comic documents, we had to share these with you.

The City sent Hollywood Center Developers Millennium a delinquency invoice for almost $150,000 for unpaid bills.  Another one, recently sent for over $76,000.



So not only is the City breaking the law and enabling an insanely dangerous and illegal project by this disreputable developer, but we the taxpayers are forced to subsidize them.… Read the rest

Public Comment of the Week – 9/21/2020


The Public Comments section of the Administrative Record is jam packed with letters from us, from you, from everyday citizens who live in the city, demanding that this insanely dangerous and illegal project by Millennium, be shut down for good.

Keep a look out each week as we share some of the comments that stuck out to us the most.… Read the rest

Public Comment of the Week – 9/14/2020


The Public Comments section of the Administrative Record is jam packed with letters from us, from you, from everyday citizens who live in the city, demanding that this insanely dangerous and illegal project by Millennium, be shut down for good.

Keep a look out each week as we share some of the comments that stuck out to us the most.… Read the rest

To ZOOM, Or Not To ZOOM – It’s No Longer A Question


According to City Planner Mindy Nguyen’s 8/13 email to our team, “there is no video Zoom available for public hearings at this time.  Please be advised, however, that the Department of City Planning is transitioning to ZoomWebinar for public hearings beginning in September, which will allow the public to watch the hearings online, similar to the CPC meetings.”Read the rest

Public Comment of the Week – 9/7/2020


The Public Comments section of the Administrative Record is jam packed with letters from us, from you, from everyday citizens who live in the city, demanding that this insanely dangerous and illegal project by Millennium, be shut down for good.

Keep a look out each week as we share some of the comments that stuck out to us the most.… Read the rest

Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) – Published Today 9/3/2020


The City announced the Notice of Availability for the Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) today.

If the City and Millennium appear to be doing everything they can to push their way through the approval process, it’s because they are, disregarding the public process all along the way.

One reason might be the impending expiration date of former Governor Brown’s certification of Millennium’s phony Environmental Leadership Development Program (ELDP) application.… Read the rest